Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Regardless of the fact that you're a volunteer, or that you're only on the premises for a few hours each week, at some point you’ll be required to undertake the excitingly-named ‘Health and Safety Training’. Although a vital part of the work-based learning experience, there’s no escaping the fact that it’s never going to be a laugh a minute. When my time came, I dutifully sat alone in a small room reading all of the bumf that my manager had presented to me, while skimming through sections which probably ought to have been renamed 'Spottin' the bleedin' obvious!' No, I don't intend to lift a heavy crate of books off the floor by myself... yes, if I'm faced with an irate customer who's making me feel threatened I'll ring through to the manager... no, if I see a large wet area on the floor I won't leave it there so that customers can break their necks... Having said that, there WERE things in there which I actually didn't know, but NEEDED to know, such as where the fire alarms are situated on the shop floor and the locality of the nearest fire assembly point, so despite the fact it wasn't much 'fun' to do, I now feel a lot more confident in my working environment.

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